Capalaba / Cleveland / Redland Bay / Victoria Point / Wellington Point - Trinity
Welcome to Redlands Uniting Church!
Capalaba / Cleveland / Redland Bay / Victoria Point / Wellington Point - Trinity

We're a church based in Redland City, Queensland, Australia. We are part of the Uniting Church in Australia.

Our vision is that by encouraging and empowering people to grow their faith, help others discover their faith, and connecting with our community through service, we hope to see More People, More like Jesus

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Why Church is good for you
This is your sub-headline

There you will hear God's Word explained, find strategies for living, discover your spiritual gifts, and form relationships that will sustain you in the hard times.  Where else can you find all that?  Yale University conducted a study confirming that people who go to church regularly are happier, healthier, and live longer than those who don’t. The survey found that church attendees had lower blood pressure, less stress, and greater immunity to disease, whereas non-churchgoers in the group had a shortened life span roughly equal to that of cigarette smokers.

One of the interviewers asked an eighty-year-old woman, who happened to be running on a treadmill at the time, what her secret was. She said, ‘When you walk with God you have purpose, so you live longer. And you have peace with God, so you live better.’

Think: if you could find all that in a pill, how much would you pay for it? And would anybody have to force you to take it? No? Okay, then make sure you’re in church on Sunday!

Ref: The Word For Today, 19th July 2024

Your Community Is Here to Help You!
Redlands Community Hubs - Russell Island


Need Emergency Relief
Please Contact Redland Community Centre

Redland Community Centre @ 29 Loraine St, Capalaba QLD 4157 is open form 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday.

Emergency Relief (ER) is available form 10am to 2pm.

Emergency Relief is the provision of material or financial assistance to people in crisis. Some clients access ER to help them through a ‘one-off’ episode; while for others, ER becomes part of their solution to dealing with ongoing disadvantage. The aim of ER is to assist people experiencing a crisis in a way that maintains dignity and encourages self-reliance.

Click to find out more
You Matter
When things are tough, a simple chat can make a world of difference.

By starting the conversation, providing support, and directing help to those who need it, we can help prevent suicides and save lives.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. You are not alone.

  • Emergency - call 000 (If you or someone you know needs help urgently)
  • Lifeline  - call 13 11 14 (24/7 free crisis support and sucide prevention)
  • Suicide Call Back Service - call 1300 659 467 (Free 24/7)
  • Kids Helpline - call 1800 55 1800 -  (24/7 free counselling for children and young people aged 5-25)
  • Beyond Blue - call 1300 22 46 36  (24/7 free support for people concerned about anxiety, depression or suicide)
  • MensLine Australia - call 1300 78 99 78  (24/7 free telephone and online counselling service for Australian men)
  • Queensland Health - call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84)
Building a Thriving Church in Our Community
Can You Help?
Do you have a passion to impact our Redlands Community? Help rebuild Redlands Uniting Church.
Now is an exciting and ideal time to join Redlands Uniting Church.

If you would like to help rebuild a Church, so that we are a fruitful, thriving community of faith, intentionally growing God's Kingdom in the Redlands...we need you!

We want to transform into a vibrant, engaging Church, reaching out to our community.

Are you a shaker and mover, with loads of passion and a burning desire to help...come along...we'd love to meet you.

A Message For YOU!
Reference: 'The Word For Today (26/05/23- written by Bob and Debby Gass)
‘Many are they who say of me, “There is no help.”’ Psalm 3:2 NKJV

Maybe you have repeatedly heard the words ‘You can’t’ throughout your life.

Many people like to tell others what they cannot do. Even people you wouldn’t automatically consider to be against you – teachers, coaches, parents, family members, friends, and leaders of church groups or social events, who often fail to realise the power of their words over young lives.

Many of us grew up thinking, ‘I can’t,’ when that wasn’t true at all!

No matter how often you have heard someone say, ‘You can’t,’ stand on God’s Word and say, ‘Yes, I can!’

Miracles come in ‘cans’ – our belief that we can do everything we need to do through Christ who is our strength (see Philippians 4:13).

God believes in you, and now is the time for you to believe in yourself. This is a new day! Put the past and all its disheartening remarks behind you.

Words that speak of failure come from the Enemy, not God, so determine right now not to allow the power of ‘you can’t’ to affect you any longer.

In contrast to the Enemy, God’s Spirit encourages you and will do everything to urge you forward towards success in all areas of life.

Facing the challenges of the promised land, God told Joshua three times, ‘Be strong and of good courage …’ (Joshua 1:9 NKJV). Always remember that if you feel discouraged, it’s from the devil. And that if you feel encouraged, it’s from God.

Decide to agree with God and say to yourself, ‘I can!’ Today let the power of God’s Word dominate the power of every negative word that has ever been spoken to you or about you.

SoulFood: 1 Kings 1-2 Matt 12:38-50 Ps 45 Pro 12:7-9

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